A New Workspace Ahead: Working Parents Go Back to the Office Post-Covid

Carla Greenan
3 min readJun 21, 2021

By: Rebekah Nanfria, Associate Certified Coach at 3Be Coaching

Think back to the challenge of adjusting to working from home. Carving out your workspace, adjusting to Zoom, realizing kids interrupt and that has to be okay. The monotony, always “being available,” the struggle to stay focused on work while the dishes, laundry or perhaps your adorable little one was only a room away. Whew! Now is a good time to pause and say to yourself, “Awesome job!”

Looking forward, life as we’ve come to know it is on the verge of changing again. In the coming months, people will begin to return to the workplace. We’d be foolish to assume it will be a simple transition “back to normal.” Even for those who find it a welcomed relief, this is a period of intense adjustment. Experts suggest it will be more challenging than learning to work from home. Any big change in routine requires cognitive effort, which means exhaustion for our brains.

“We’ve been playing remote work on easy mode…It will get harder in 2021 with hybrid.”


One aspect we’ll be managing is STIMULUS OVERLOAD! Days will be filled with sights, sounds, smells (enjoyable and detestable) that we’ve been isolated from. Background noise, fluorescent lights, traffic, your colleague’s cologne…these and other stimuli can lead to irritability and overwhelm. Simply wearing “real clothes” will be a shock to the system for many. Having a mask on all day. Invitation to think ahead: What will make being back at the office easier for me? For example: practicing wearing a mask for longer periods of time, incorporating meditative breathing throughout the day, investing in noise cancelling headphones, taking a quiet walk during your lunch break. Self-care, micro-breaks and boundaries will serve well.

Another challenge will be re-learning how to hold conversations in person. Our “public self’ has been hidden behind a camera wearing sweatpants. It’s going to feel weird. No more watching ourselves talking from that little square on the computer. No more awkward time delays and interruption. The energy given and taken in a face to face conversation is vastly different than a virtual one. Studies show that 55% of our communication is through facial expressions. Seeing as half our faces could be covered with a mask depending on our localized guidelines, clear verbal communication will be more vital than ever! Consider adding a bit more of your feelings or point of view to avoid misunderstanding. Remember everyone will be struggling on how to “be normal.” Humans weren’t created for the kind of isolation we’ve been through. Perhaps there’s value in calling it out. “Wow! I’m realizing I kind of forgot how to make conversation.” Here are some tips: Slow down your speech. Allow your eyes to be animated. Verbally acknowledge and appreciate coworkers. Practice deep listening. Prepare for conversations. Check out 3Be Coaching’s “You’ve Got This!” audio program for a great conversation script guide.

Our next 2 blogs will talk about changes at home, energy and navigating varying perspectives. We’ll offer supportive questions to support your journey.


3Be Coaching’s “Back to the Office” series are meant to reflect working parents’ real life experiences post-covid. Want to share your own “Back to the Office” post-covid experience? Drop us a note!



Carla Greenan

Coach & champion of working parents; creator of coaching programs supporting transitions of new & expecting parents; mom of 3 & founder of www.3BeCoaching.com